The term "uncommitted" refers to a state of being not pledged or bound to a particular course of action, belief, or responsibility. It can describe individuals who lack a firm commitment in relationships, activities, or opinions. This word is relatively common in both spoken and written English, with a slightly broader usage in written contexts due to its association with formal discussions, reports, or academic contexts.
The team was still uncommitted to the project despite the approaching deadline.
Translation: La equipe aún estaba no comprometida con el proyecto a pesar del plazo inminente.
Many voters feel uncommitted to the current candidates in the election.
Translation: Muchos votantes se sienten no comprometidos con los actuales candidatos en las elecciones.
She chose to remain uncommitted in her relationship, valuing her independence.
Translation: Ella eligió permanecer no comprometida en su relación, valorando su independencia.
While "uncommitted" itself is not part of many idiomatic expressions, it often appears in phrases that convey a lack of commitment or decisiveness. Below are some sentences that include the concept of uncommitment:
He is on the fence and uncommitted to joining any sports team this season.
Translation: Él está indeciso y no comprometido a unirse a ningún equipo deportivo esta temporada.
Being uncommitted in a relationship can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Translation: No estar comprometido en una relación puede llevar a malentendidos y sentimientos heridos.
She kept her options open and remained uncommitted during the interview process.
Translation: Ella mantuvo sus opciones abiertas y permaneció no comprometida durante el proceso de entrevista.
The uncommitted voters will likely decide the outcome of the election.
Translation: Los votantes no comprometidos probablemente decidirán el resultado de las elecciones.
His uncommitted stance on the issue frustrated his allies in the debate.
Translation: Su postura no comprometida sobre el tema frustró a sus aliados en el debate.
The word "uncommitted" is formed from the prefix "un-" meaning "not" and the past participle "committed," which derives from the verb "commit." The verb "commit" comes from the Latin "committere," meaning "to bring together, connect," from "com-" (together) and "mittere" (to send).