"Under consideration" functions as a prepositional phrase.
/ˈʌndər kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/
The phrase "under consideration" refers to something that is being thought about or evaluated. It is commonly used in formal or professional contexts, particularly in discussions about proposals, applications, or decisions that have not yet been finalized.
This phrase is frequently used in written contexts, such as official documents, reports, or formal communications, but it can also appear in spoken language, particularly in meetings or discussions.
The proposal for the new community center is currently under consideration by the city council.
Proposalul pentru noul centru comunitar este în prezent sub considerare de către consiliul orașului.
Your application is under consideration, and we will notify you of our decision soon.
Cererea ta este sub considerare și te vom informa curând despre decizia noastră.
Several options are under consideration for the upcoming project, and we need to decide soon.
Mai multe opțiuni sunt sub considerare pentru proiectul următor și trebuie să decidem curând.
The phrase "under consideration" can be part of various idiomatic expressions, especially in formal discussions or evaluations. Here are a few notable examples:
"Put something under consideration"
We will put your suggestions under consideration before making a final decision.
Vom lua în considerare sugestiile tale înainte de a lua o decizie finală.
"Keep something under consideration"
It's important to keep all factors under consideration when planning the event.
Este important să luăm în considerare toți factorii atunci când planificăm evenimentul.
"Bring something under consideration"
The committee will bring the new policy proposal under consideration at the next meeting.
Comitetul va aduce propunerea de nouă politică sub considerare la următoarea întâlnire.
"Have something under consideration"
We have your request under consideration and will respond shortly.
Avem cererea ta sub considerare și vom răspunde în curând.
"Under careful consideration"
After careful consideration of all the options, we decided to proceed with the merger.
După o atenție deosebită asupra tuturor opțiunilor, am decis să continuăm cu fuziunea.
The term "under consideration" originates from the root words "under" meaning beneath or subject to, and "consideration," which itself comes from Latin consideratio, meaning contemplation or careful thought.
Synonyms: - Under review - Being evaluated - Being assessed
Antonyms: - Decided - Concluded - Finalized