/ˈʌndərhʌŋ ˈtrɑli/
The term "underhung trolley" refers to a type of trolley system where the trolley hangs beneath a rail or support beam. This system is commonly used in material handling systems, including overhead conveyor systems in warehouses and factories. The trolley typically moves along a track and is designed to carry loads.
The frequency of use for "underhung trolley" is relatively specialized, primarily found in technical, industrial, or engineering contexts rather than in everyday conversation. It is more frequently used in written contexts, such as instruction manuals, engineering specifications, and industrial equipment catalogs.
The engineers recommended installing an underhung trolley system to optimize the production line.
Электронщики рекомендовали установить систему подвижных тележек для оптимизации производственной линии.
An underhung trolley can effectively manage heavy loads without compromising safety.
Подвесная тележка может эффективно управлять тяжелыми нагрузками, не нарушая безопасности.
During the inspection, the maintenance crew noticed several issues with the underhung trolley's tracks.
Во время проверки служба обслуживания заметила несколько проблем с рельсами подвесной тележки.
While "underhung trolley" itself is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions, the concept of trolleys and their related terminology can be associated with various phrases in a technical context. Here are a few examples of how related terms might appear in idiomatic or technical expressions.
"Running off the rails" can describe a situation where operations are going awry, similar to a malfunctioning underhung trolley.
«Сойти с рельсов» может описывать ситуацию, когда операции идут не так, как нужно, похоже на неисправную подвесную тележку.
"Hang in the balance" could metaphorically refer to the precariousness of loads managed by an underhung trolley.
«Висеть на волоске» может метафорически сосредоточиться на неустойчивости грузов, управляемых подвесной тележкой.
"On track" may indicate that operations are proceeding correctly, akin to a trolley moving smoothly along its guide.
«На правильном пути» может указывать на то, что операции проходят корректно, как тележка, движущаяся плавно вдоль своего направляющего рельса.
The term "underhung" combines "under," indicating position below, and "hung," the past participle of "hang," which traces back to Old English "han" (to hang). "Trolley" derives from the early 19th-century rail terminology related to small wheeled carts, possibly influenced by the word "troll," meaning to roll or turn.
Synonyms: - Overhead trolley - Suspension trolley - Hoist trolley
Antonyms: - Ground-based cart - Floor-level trolley
This comprehensive overview of "underhung trolley" provides insights into its technical meaning, usage, and relevant expressions in the context of engineering and material handling systems.