undertax - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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undertax (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Undertax is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Undertax means to impose a tax that is lower than what is necessary or appropriate. It is often used in discussions related to finance, economics, and taxation policies. The term is less common compared to other tax-related terminology, but it can be found in both written and spoken contexts, typically in more formal discussions or analyses.

Example Sentences

  1. The government decided to undertax the wealthy in an attempt to stimulate investment.
    Государство решило недобрать налог с богатых, стремясь стимулировать инвестиции.

  2. Critics argue that the authority's choice to undertax certain industries is detrimental to public services.
    Критики утверждают, что выбор властей непропорционально снижать налоги в определённых отраслях вреден для общественных услуг.

  3. Policymakers must consider the consequences of choosing to undertax rather than equitably distributing tax burdens.
    П policymakers должны учитывать последствия выбора недобора налогов, а не равномерного распределения налоговых бремен.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term undertax does not have prevalent idiomatic expressions associated with it. However, there are some related terms in taxation discourse that might enrich the conversation:

  1. Tax break - A discount on an amount that one has to pay in taxes.
  2. Many families benefited from a tax break last year to support their finances.
    Многие семьи получили налоговую льготу в прошлом году, чтобы поддержать свои финансы.

  3. Tax haven - A jurisdiction that offers minimal tax liability.

  4. Corporations often relocate to a tax haven to maximize profits.
    Корпорации часто переезжают в налоговое убежище, чтобы максимизировать прибыль.

  5. Tax evasion - The illegal act of not paying taxes owed.

  6. He was charged with tax evasion after failing to report his income.
    Он был обвинён в уклонении от уплаты налогов после того, как не указал свои доходы.

  7. Tax liability - The total amount of tax owed to a government.

  8. Understanding your tax liability is crucial for effective financial planning.
    Понимание своих налоговых обязательств имеет решающее значение для эффективного финансового планирования.


The term undertax is a compound of the prefix "under-", meaning "lower than normal or below," and the word "tax," originating from the Latin "taxare," which means "to assess." The combination reflects the idea of insufficient assessment or charging of taxes.



In summary, while undertax might not be frequently used in everyday conversation, it plays a significant role in discussions surrounding tax policy and its implications, especially in formal contexts.
