/ˌʌn.səbˈstæn.tʃəl hoʊps/
Unsubstantial refers to something that lacks substance, solidity, or firmness; it can imply a lack of validity or importance. Hopes are feelings of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
The phrase "unsubstantial hopes" is often used to describe expectations or desires that are seen as flimsy, unrealistic, or unlikely to be fulfilled. This combination is more commonly found in written contexts, such as literature, essays, and formal discussions rather than everyday spoken language.
Many investors had unsubstantial hopes that the stock market would recover quickly.
Многие инвесторы имели неосновательные надежды на то, что фондовый рынок быстро восстановится.
The team shared unsubstantial hopes of winning the championship without proper training and teamwork.
Команда делила неосновательные надежды на победу в чемпионате без надлежащей подготовки и командной работы.
His unsubstantial hopes for a promotion were dashed when the company downsized.
Его неосновательные надежды на повышение были разрушены, когда компания сократилась.
While the exact phrase "unsubstantial hopes" may not be a part of many idiomatic expressions, the concepts of "hope" and "flimsy" or "unreliable" can be integrated into several expressions:
"The politician's promises were full of hot air, leaving people with unsubstantial hopes."
Обещания политика были полны пустых слов, оставляя людей с неосновательными надеждами.
Pipe dream - A hope or plan that is impossible to achieve.
"His dreams of becoming a rock star were nothing more than a pipe dream, leading to unsubstantial hopes."
Его мечты стать рок-звездой были не более чем пустой мечтой, приводящей к неосновательным надеждам.
Chasing rainbows - Pursuing something illusory or unrealistic.
The word unsubstantial comes from the prefix "un-" meaning 'not' and "substantial," which derives from the Latin "substantialis," meaning 'having substance.' The term "hopes" comes from Middle English "hope," derived from Old English "hopian," which means 'to wish for or trust.'
Synonyms: - Insignificant hopes - Flimsy hopes - Hollow hopes
Antonyms: - Realistic hopes - Solid hopes - Substantial hopes