unsufficiency - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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unsufficiency (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

Unsufficiency refers to the state or quality of being insufficient; inadequacy or lack of something necessary. This word is not commonly used in everyday conversation and is more frequently found in written contexts, particularly in academic or formal texts.

Frequency of Use

The term is relatively rare in comparison to its synonyms like "insufficiency." It appears more often in written English, especially in research papers, reports, and formal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. The unsufficiency of resources hampered the progress of the project.
  2. Translation: La insuficiencia de recursos obstaculizó el progreso del proyecto.

  3. In times of unsufficiency, communities often come together to support one another.

  4. Translation: En tiempos de insuficiencia, las comunidades a menudo se unen para apoyarse mutuamente.

  5. The unsufficiency of evidence led to the dismissal of the case by the judge.

  6. Translation: La insuficiencia de pruebas llevó al juez a desestimar el caso.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "unsufficiency" itself might not be commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, the related term "insufficiency" can be used in various phrases. Here are some examples:

  1. "Insufficiency of funds" can lead to project abandonment.
  2. Translation: La insuficiencia de fondos puede llevar al abandono del proyecto.

  3. "Address the insufficiency of resources" is crucial for overcoming challenges.

  4. Translation: Abordar la insuficiencia de recursos es crucial para superar los desafíos.

  5. "Recognize the insufficiency of evidence" before making a judgment.

  6. Translation: Reconocer la insuficiencia de pruebas antes de emitir un juicio.

  7. "Insufficiency in training" can result in workplace errors.

  8. Translation: La insuficiencia en la formación puede resultar en errores en el trabajo.

  9. "The report highlighted the insufficiency in the healthcare system" during the pandemic.

  10. Translation: El informe destacó la insuficiencia en el sistema de salud durante la pandemia.


The word unsufficiency derives from the prefix "un-" meaning "not," combined with the word sufficiency, which comes from the Latin sufficientia, meaning "sufficiency" or "adequacy." The roots can be traced back to sufficere, which means "to be enough, to meet the needs."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Insufficiency - Inadequacy - Scarcity - Deficiency

Antonyms: - Sufficiency - Adequacy - Abundance - Plentitude
