upwardly - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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upwardly (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The adverb "upwardly" refers to movement or direction towards a higher place or position. It can also imply an improvement in status, position, or condition. Generally, it is employed both in written and spoken English, but tends to be more frequent in formal or written contexts, such as business or academic writing.

Example Sentences

  1. The company is looking for upwardly mobile candidates who can grow with the team.
    Компания ищет кандидатов, способных к карьерному росту, которые могут развиваться вместе с командой.

  2. She has always been upwardly motivated, striving to achieve her dreams.
    Она всегда была ориентирована на успех, стремясь достичь своих мечт.

  3. The upwardly trend in the stock market is encouraging investors.
    Восходящая тенденция на фондовом рынке ободряет инвесторов.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "upwardly" appears in a range of idiomatic expressions that express growth, improvement, or a positive direction.

  1. Upwardly mobile: Refers to individuals or groups who are moving towards a higher social or economic status.
    Young professionals are often seen as upwardly mobile in their careers.
    Молодые профессионалы обычно рассматриваются как стремящиеся к карьерному росту.

  2. Rise upwardly: Describes a situation where someone or something is improving or ascending.
    The organization's reputation has been rising upwardly in recent years.
    Репутация организации в последние годы значительно возросла.

  3. Upwardly spiraling: Indicates a situation that continues to improve, often used in a positive context.
    Her career has been upwardly spiraling since she joined the new company.
    Ее карьера значительно выросла с тех пор, как она присоединилась к новой компании.

  4. Climb upwardly: Used to describe a progression toward a higher goal or status.
    He is working hard to climb upwardly in the corporate hierarchy.
    Он усердно работает, чтобы подняться по корпоративной лестнице.


The word "upwardly" is derived from the combination of "upward," which itself comes from "up" (Old English "upp") combined with the suffix "-ly" that turns an adjective into an adverb.


