urethral tuberculosis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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urethral tuberculosis (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun Phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/juːˈriːθrəl tʌbərˈkjulosis/

Meaning and Usage

Urethral tuberculosis refers to a form of tuberculosis that affects the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. It is a rare manifestation of tuberculosis—an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis—typically more common in its pulmonary (lungs) form but can affect other organs, including the urinary system.

Frequency of Use: The term "urethral tuberculosis" is used infrequently in everyday language. Its occurrence is more common in medical literature and clinical settings. The phrase is mainly used in written contexts, such as research papers, textbooks, and medical reports.

Example Sentences

  1. Urethral tuberculosis can lead to complications if not diagnosed and treated early.
    Urethral tuberculosis puede llevar a complicaciones si no se diagnostica y se trata a tiempo.

  2. The symptoms of urethral tuberculosis often mimic those of a urinary tract infection.
    Los síntomas de la tuberculosis uretral a menudo imitan los de una infección del tracto urinario.

  3. Diagnosis of urethral tuberculosis typically involves imaging studies and laboratory testing.
    El diagnóstico de tuberculosis uretral normalmente implica estudios por imágenes y pruebas de laboratorio.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "urethral tuberculosis" itself is not commonly associated with idiomatic expressions, the topic of tuberculosis and medical conditions do form the basis of several idiomatic phrases relating to illness or difficulties in life. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. Caught in a web of symptoms can feel like living with urethral tuberculosis without proper care.
    Estar atrapado en una red de síntomas puede sentirse como vivir con tuberculosis uretral sin el cuidado adecuado.

  2. Feeling under the weather often translates to diseases like urethral tuberculosis going undiagnosed.
    Sentirse mal a menudo se traduce en enfermedades como la tuberculosis uretral que pasan desapercibidas.

  3. Staying ahead of the curve in medical research can reduce cases of conditions such as urethral tuberculosis.
    Mantenerse a la vanguardia de la investigación médica puede reducir los casos de condiciones como la tuberculosis uretral.


The term "urethral" comes from the Greek word "oura," meaning "tail," which is a reference to the urethra's shape and structure. The word "tuberculosis" stems from the Latin "tuber," meaning "lump" or "swelling," and the suffix "-osis," indicating a medical condition. Tuberculosis as a condition was first defined in the early 19th century, with the bacterium identified later in 1882 by Robert Koch.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Urethral infection (though this is a broader term) - Urogenital tuberculosis (when referring to TB affecting the urogenital system)

Antonyms: - Health - Wellness - Cleanness (in the context of being free from infection)

In medical discussions, specific antonyms may not apply since the opposite of the condition would typically be described in terms of the absence of disease rather than a direct antonym.
