user-friendly - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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user-friendly (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

"User-friendly" describes a product, system, or process that is easy to use, typically because it has been designed with the user's needs in mind. This term is commonly used in the context of software, websites, appliances, and any system meant for the general public.

Frequency of use: "User-friendly" is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly in technology, marketing, and user experience discussions. It is relatively common in consumer-oriented communications.

Example Sentences: 1. The new software is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for people of all technical abilities. - (El nuevo software está diseñado para ser amigable para el usuario, lo que lo hace accesible para personas de todas las habilidades técnicas.)

  1. Many customers appreciate user-friendly interfaces that simplify their online shopping experience.
  2. (A muchos clientes les agradecen las interfaces amigables para el usuario que simplifican su experiencia de compra en línea.)

  3. Developers are often encouraged to create user-friendly applications that cater to a wide audience.

  4. (A menudo se alienta a los desarrolladores a crear aplicaciones amigables para el usuario que atiendan a una amplia audiencia.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "user-friendly" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can be associated with several phrases that highlight ease of use or accessibility. Below are a few expressions related to the concept of being user-friendly:

  1. Easy as pie:
  2. This program is just easy as pie once you get the hang of it.
  3. (Este programa es muy fácil una vez que le agarras el truco.)

  4. A walk in the park:

  5. Learning to use the new app was a walk in the park thanks to its user-friendly design.
  6. (Aprender a usar la nueva aplicación fue un paseo en el parque gracias a su diseño amigable para el usuario.)

  7. Piece of cake:

  8. The tutorial makes the installation process a piece of cake.
  9. (El tutorial hace que el proceso de instalación sea pan comido.)

  10. Like shooting fish in a barrel:

  11. With such a user-friendly interface, selling this product is like shooting fish in a barrel.
  12. (Con una interfaz tan amigable para el usuario, vender este producto es como disparar peces en un barril.)

  13. Second nature:

  14. After a few days, using the software became second nature for all the team members.
  15. (Después de unos días, usar el software se convirtió en algo natural para todos los miembros del equipo.)

  16. A no-brainer:

  17. Choosing our user-friendly solution was a no-brainer for the manager.
  18. (Elegir nuestra solución amigable para el usuario fue una decisión obvia para el gerente.)

  19. Fall off a log:

  20. The new website is so user-friendly that navigating it is as simple as falling off a log.
  21. (El nuevo sitio web es tan amigable para el usuario que navegar por él es tan simple como caerse de un tronco.)

  22. Light work:

  23. With such a manageable task that requires no complicated tools, this is light work.
  24. (Con una tarea tan manejable que no requiere herramientas complicadas, esto es pan comido.)


The term "user-friendly" is a compound adjective that combines "user," which originates from Old French "user" meaning 'to use', and "friendly," which comes from the Old English "freond," meaning 'a friend'. The term became popular in the late 20th century along with the rise of consumer technology and design focused on usability and accessibility.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Intuitive - Accessible - Simple - Straightforward

Antonyms: - Complicated - Difficult - Unfriendly - User-unfriendly
