water specimen - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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water specimen (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/wɔːtər ˈspɛsɪmən/

Meaning and Usage

A water specimen refers to a sample of water that is collected for analysis, testing, or examination. It is typically used in scientific and environmental contexts to assess water quality, contamination, or ecological health. The frequency of use for this term tends to be more common in written contexts, particularly in scientific papers, environmental reports, and laboratory settings, rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The scientist collected a water specimen from the river to test for pollutants.
    Ученый собрал образец воды из реки для проверки на загрязнители.

  2. Before launching the new water quality program, city officials ensured that every water specimen was analyzed thoroughly.
    Перед запуском новой программы по качеству воды чиновники города убедились, что каждый образец воды был тщательно проанализирован.

  3. The research team discovered a rare microorganism in their water specimen.
    Исследовательская группа обнаружила редкий микроорганизм в своем образце воды.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "water specimen" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, water as a subject has a variety of idioms and phrases associated with it. Here are a few:

  1. Water under the bridge: Refers to events that have happened in the past and are no longer important.
    Our previous disagreements are just water under the bridge now.
    Наши предыдущие разногласия – это всего лишь вода под мостом сейчас.

  2. Like water off a duck's back: This means that criticism or negative feedback does not affect someone at all.
    He shrugged off the comments; they were like water off a duck's back to him.
    Он отмахнулся от комментариев; они были для него, как вода, стекающая с спины утки.

  3. In hot water: To be in trouble or facing difficulties.
    After missing the deadline, she found herself in hot water with her boss.
    После пропуска срока она оказалась в трудном положении с начальником.


The word water originates from the Old English word wæter, which has Germanic roots. The word specimen comes from the Latin word specimen, meaning "a sample, an example."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for water specimen: - Water sample - Water analysis - Water test

Antonyms for water specimen: (given that 'water specimen' is specific, antonyms relate more to its context) - Contaminated water (in the case of water quality analysis) - Polluted source

This combination of definitions, examples, and idiomatic expressions provides a comprehensive understanding of the term "water specimen" and how it integrates into the English language.
