water-jet compressor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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water-jet compressor (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/wɔːtər dʒɛt kəmˈprɛsər/

Meaning and Usage

A water-jet compressor is a device that uses a high-velocity jet of water to create a low-pressure zone that allows for the movement of fluids or gases. These compressors are often used in various industrial applications, particularly where traditional compressors may not be feasible or efficient. The term is relatively specialized and may be more commonly found in written technical documentation than in oral conversation.

Frequency of Use

The term is not commonly used in everyday conversation and is primarily found in academic, technical, and industrial contexts focusing on engineering, fluid dynamics, and mechanical systems.

Example Sentences

  1. The water-jet compressor efficiently moves the slurry through the pipes.
    El compresor de chorro de agua mueve la pasta de manera eficiente a través de las tuberías.

  2. Engineers decided to implement a water-jet compressor for better energy efficiency in the system.
    Los ingenieros decidieron implementar un compresor de chorro de agua para mejorar la eficiencia energética en el sistema.

  3. The performance of the water-jet compressor was significantly improved after the redesign.
    El rendimiento del compresor de chorro de agua mejoró notablemente después del rediseño.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "water-jet compressor" itself does not appear in common idiomatic expressions, the concept of "jet" and "water" can be part of various phrases in both technical and metaphorical contexts.

  1. "Like a jet of water" - This phrase can describe something done with great speed or power.
    El coche se movía como un chorro de agua al pasar por la recta.
    (The car moved like a jet of water as it sped down the straight.)

  2. "Throw water on something" - To dampen enthusiasm or excitement for an idea or proposal.
    Ella siempre echa agua a las ideas innovadoras de su jefe.
    (She always throws water on her boss's innovative ideas.)

  3. "Water under the bridge" - Referring to events that are in the past and no longer affect the present.
    Nuestros desacuerdos son solo agua pasada bajo el puente.
    (Our disagreements are just water under the bridge.)


The term "water-jet" combines "water," which originates from Old English "wæter," and "jet," derived from the French word "jet" meaning a stream or a throw. "Compressor" comes from the Latin "compressor," meaning "one that presses together."

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Hydraulic compressor
- Jet pump

- Vacuum pump
- Air compressor
