weariful - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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weariful (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The adjective "weariful" describes something that causes weariness or fatigue; it refers to being tiresome or exhausting. The word is not commonly used in contemporary English, making it less likely to appear frequently in conversation or writing. It has a formal connotation and might be encountered more in literary texts or some formal speeches rather than casual conversation.

Frequency of Use

The term "weariful" is infrequently used in modern English and may often be substituted with more common synonyms like "tiresome" or "exhausting." It tends to appear more in written contexts, especially in creative or poetic writing, compared to everyday spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. The weariful task of cleaning the entire house took her all day.
    El cansador trabajo de limpiar toda la casa le tomó todo el día.

  2. His weariful attitude during the meeting drained the energy from his colleagues.
    Su actitud cansadora durante la reunión drenó la energía de sus colegas.

  3. After a weariful week of work, she decided to take a long vacation.
    Después de una semana agotadora de trabajo, decidió tomar unas largas vacaciones.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "weariful" itself may not be a common part of idiomatic expressions, the concept of being overwhelmed or fatigued can be expressed in various idiomatic phrases. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Burning the candle at both ends"
    Spending too much time working or socializing, leading to exhaustion.
    Estar quemando la vela por ambos extremos solo te llevará a la fatiga: necesitas descansar un poco.

  2. "Running on fumes"
    Continuing to work or function with minimal energy.
    Después de esa semana de trabajo, estoy conduciendo en vapores: necesito vacaciones.

  3. "At the end of one's rope"
    Reaching a point of being completely overwhelmed or exhausted.
    Estoy al final de mi cuerda con estos proyectos, necesito un descanso pronto.

  4. "Burnout"
    A state of physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress.
    La saturación por el trabajo no solo es real, es peligrosa y puede llevar al agotamiento.

  5. "Too much on one's plate"
    Having more responsibilities or tasks than one can manage comfortably.
    Tener demasiado en mi plato me está volviendo loco, necesito eliminar algunas tareas.

  6. "Hit the wall"
    Reaching a point where one cannot continue due to exhaustion.
    Después de correr aquel maratón, realmente sentí que había chocado contra la pared.


The word "weariful" is derived from the base word "wear," which means to exhaust one's strength or resources, combined with the suffix "-ful," which implies "full of" or "characterized by." The earliest usage of "wear" in this sense can be traced back to Old English werian, meaning "to exhaust, tire, or consume."

Synonyms and Antonyms


