Noun / Verb (present participle of "weigh")
Weighing refers to the action or process of determining the weight of an object. It can be used both as a noun (the act of weighing) and as a verb (weighing something). The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, frequently in scientific, commercial, and health-related discussions.
The term “weighing” is used regularly in contexts that require measurement, such as cooking, science, health, and commerce. It tends to appear more in written texts (instruction manuals, scientific reports) but is also common in everyday conversation.
La pesada es un paso esencial al hornear para asegurar medidas precisas.
The weighing of the samples was completed in the laboratory.
La pesada de las muestras se completó en el laboratorio.
After weighing all the options, she decided to take the job offer.
Después de pesar todas las opciones, decidió aceptar la oferta de trabajo.
While "weighing" does not belong to many idiomatic expressions on its own, it is often used in phrases related to balance, consideration, or pressure.
Weighing on someone’s mind
The decision about moving is constantly weighing on his mind.
La decisión de mudarse está constantemente pesando en su mente.
Weighing the pros and cons
She spent the entire weekend weighing the pros and cons of the purchase.
Pasó todo el fin de semana pesando los pros y los contras de la compra.
Weighing your words
It's important to start weighing your words when discussing sensitive topics.
Es importante comenzar a pesar tus palabras cuando discutes temas sensibles.
Weighing heavily on someone
The pressure to succeed was weighing heavily on her.
La presión por tener éxito le estaba pesando mucho.
Not worth weighing in on
Some arguments are just not worth weighing in on.
Algunos argumentos simplemente no valen la pena en los que pesar.
The term "weighing" originates from the Old English word "wegian" meaning "to weigh," which is related to "weg," meaning "way, weight." Over time, the term evolved through Middle English as "weien" before reaching its current form.