well-minded - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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well-minded (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

"Well-minded" is an adjective that describes a person who has good intentions, a positive attitude, or an open and considerate mindset. It is often used to indicate that someone is thoughtful, kind-hearted, or has a high moral character. This term is relatively less common in everyday conversations compared to more frequently used synonyms like "kind-hearted" or "considerate," but it does appear occasionally in both oral and written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. She is a well-minded individual who always considers the feelings of others.
    (Ella es una persona bien intencionada que siempre considera los sentimientos de los demás.)

  2. The community thrives because of well-minded leaders who prioritize the welfare of the citizens.
    (La comunidad prospera gracias a líderes bien intencionados que priorizan el bienestar de los ciudadanos.)

  3. He approached the situation with a well-minded perspective, ensuring that every voice was heard.
    (Él abordó la situación con una perspectiva bien intencionada, asegurándose de que cada voz fuera escuchada.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Well-minded" is not a common term in idiomatic expressions, but it is still connected to several concepts related to kindness and positive intentions. Here are a few idiomatic expressions that convey similar sentiments:

  1. A good heart
  2. Example: She has a good heart and always helps those in need.
    (Ella tiene un buen corazón y siempre ayuda a los necesitados.)

  3. Think well of someone

  4. Example: I always think well of you, no matter the circumstances.
    (Siempre pienso bien de ti, sin importar las circunstancias.)

  5. Have the best intentions

  6. Example: Even when he makes mistakes, he always has the best intentions behind his actions.
    (Incluso cuando comete errores, siempre tiene las mejores intenciones detrás de sus acciones.)

  7. To mean well

  8. Example: She means well, but sometimes her advice can be a bit off the mark.
    (Ella tiene buenas intenciones, pero a veces su consejo puede ser un poco erróneo.)

  9. Kind-hearted

  10. Example: Everyone describes him as kind-hearted, always willing to lend a helping hand.
    (Todos lo describen como una persona de buen corazón, siempre dispuesta a echar una mano.)


The term "well-minded" is composed of the adverb "well," which comes from Old English wiella, meaning “in a good manner,” and "minded," which comes from the Old English mynd, meaning “mind” or “thought.” Together, "well-minded" suggests someone whose thoughts and intentions are good-hearted or benevolent.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: considerate, kind-hearted, well-intentioned, benevolent, thoughtful
Antonyms: ill-minded, malicious, unkind, selfish, malevolent
