"Whiplash" refers primarily to an injury resulting from a sudden backward and forward movement of the neck, often occurring during car accidents. It can also describe a sudden change in activities or situations that may lead to distress. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions around health and legal matters.
The word is frequently used in discussions related to health care, insurance claims, personal injury lawsuits, and auto accidents, given the prevalence of these types of incidents.
Translation: بعد الحادث، تم تشخيصه بإصابة في العنق.
Many people experience whiplash symptoms, such as headaches and neck pain.
Translation: يعاني الكثير من الناس من أعراض إصابة العنق، مثل الصداع وألم الرقبة.
She decided to file a claim for compensation due to her whiplash injury.
The term "whiplash" may not have as many idiomatic expressions as some other words, but it can be used metaphorically in contexts indicating a sudden and jarring change or experience. Here are some phrases that incorporate related usage:
Translation: شعر بتأثير إصابة العنق من التغييرات السريعة في الإدارة.
Many employees experienced a whiplash of emotions during the corporate restructuring.
Translation: عانى العديد من الموظفين من انقباض في المشاعر خلال إعادة هيكلة الشركة.
The whiplash of the economic downturn left many families struggling.
The term "whiplash" originates from the combination of "whip," referring to the tool used to strike and thus cause a whip-like motion, and "lash," which describes the action of striking. The term began to be used in a medical context in the early 20th century, particularly relating to injuries from auto accidents.
This comprehensive overview of "whiplash" encompasses its definition, usage, and related expressions, as well as its etymology and linguistic characteristics.