/waɪtˈbɛliːd siː ˈiːɡl/
The "white-bellied sea eagle" is a bird of prey belonging to the family Accipitridae. It is distinguished by its white belly, broad wings, and strong beak, typically found near coastlines and large bodies of water. It primarily feeds on fish and can be seen soaring over aquatic habitats. The term is more frequently used in written contexts, such as ornithological studies and environmental discussions.
The white-bellied sea eagle soared majestically over the estuary.
Белобелый морской орел величественно парил над эстуарем.
Birdwatchers flock to the coast to catch a glimpse of the elusive white-bellied sea eagle.
Любители птиц собираются на побережье, чтобы поймать взгляд на неуловимого белобелого морского орла.
In Australia, the white-bellied sea eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom.
В Австралии белобелый морской орел является символом силы и свободы.
While "white-bellied sea eagle" does not appear in common idiomatic expressions, birds of prey are often used metaphorically in English to convey ideas of freedom, superiority, or observation. Here are some idiomatic expressions featuring "eagle."
"The eagle has landed."
Орел приземлился.
(Referring to a successful arrival or achievement, often used in contexts celebrating success.)
"A little bird told me."
Мне сказал маленький птичка.
(Used to indicate that one has received information from a secret or unknown source.)
"To have eagle eyes."
Иметь орлиный взгляд.
(Referring to someone who has keen vision or is very observational.)
"To rise like an eagle."
Восходить как орел.
(Indicating someone who overcomes challenges to achieve greatness.)
The name "white-bellied sea eagle" is derived from its distinctive physical characteristic (the white belly) and its habitat (coastal areas). The term "eagle" has roots in Old English "āegl," which has Germanic origins, while "white" and "bellied" derive from Old English and Middle English.
This information paints a comprehensive picture of the white-bellied sea eagle, its relevance in language, and its cultural significance.