/wʌɪtˈhɛdəd siː ˈiːɡəl/
The term "white-headed sea eagle" refers to a large bird of prey commonly found near large bodies of water, known for its distinctive white head and tail feathers. It is a member of the eagle family, particularly the species Aquila leucoryphala, which is also called the white-tailed eagle in certain contexts.
The usage of "white-headed sea eagle" is primarily found in written contexts, such as ornithology texts, wildlife guides, and nature documentaries. Its frequency of use is generally lower than more common bird names and is especially prevalent in discussions about raptors and wildlife conservation.
The white-headed sea eagle soared majestically over the crashing waves.
Сквозь бушующие волны, белоголовый морской орел величественно парил в воздухе.
During our trip to the coast, we were thrilled to spot a white-headed sea eagle nesting in a tree.
В ходе нашей поездки к побережью мы были в восторге, когда заметили белоголового морского орла, гнездящегося на дереве.
The white-headed sea eagle is a formidable predator, known for its keen eyesight and powerful talons.
Белоголовый морской орел является грозным хищником, известным своим острым зрением и мощными когтями.
While "white-headed sea eagle" itself does not form common idiomatic expressions, eagles, as a symbol in language, often appear in various idiomatic expressions which can enrich understanding. Here are a few examples:
"A eagle-eye"
He has an eagle-eye for detail, ensuring nothing escapes his notice.
У него орлиный глаз на детали, он следит за всем, чтобы ничего не ускользнуло от его внимания.
"Soar like an eagle"
After months of hard work, she soared like an eagle when she got the job offer.
После месяцев тяжелой работы она взмыла, как орел, когда получила предложение о работе.
"Blind as a bat, sharp as an eagle"
Though he might seem lost at times, he has the ability to be sharp as an eagle when pressured.
Хотя он может иногда казаться потерянным, у него есть способность быть острым, как орел, под давлением.
"Killing two birds with one stone" (including eagle)
By making the presentation and completing the report, she was able to kill two birds with one stone.
Подготовив презентацию и завершив отчет, она смогла убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом.
The term "eagle" comes from the Old French word "aigle," which has Latin origins from "aquila," meaning "eagle." The word "white-headed" derives from the combination of "white," which comes from Old English "hwita," and "headed," originating from "head," which has roots in Old English "heafod."
In conclusion, the "white-headed sea eagle" is a significant bird both in natural ecosystems and as a figure in linguistic expressions. While not common in idioms, the broader context of eagles can provide a rich layer to its cultural significance.