wild succory - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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wild succory (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/wɪld ˈsʌkəri/

Meaning and Usage

Wild succory refers to a type of wild plant, often identified as "chicory" (Cichorium intybus), known for its blue flowers and distinct bitter-tasting leaves. The term "succory" historically relates to various plants, especially those in the Cichorium genus. In English, the term is less commonly used, with "chicory" being the more prevalent reference. It is frequently used in botanical contexts and by herbalists, showing a higher presence in written form compared to oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The landscape was dotted with wild succory, adding a splash of blue to the green fields.
    Пейзаж был усыпан диким цикорием, добавляя всплеск синего к зелёным полям.

  2. She picked wild succory from the roadside to make a herbal tea.
    Она собрала дикий цикорий с обочины дороги, чтобы приготовить травяной чай.

  3. The forager mentioned that wild succory could be a tasty addition to salads.
    Собиратель упомянул, что дикий цикорий может стать вкусным дополнением к салатам.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "wild succory" does not commonly appear in established idiomatic expressions due to its specific botanical meaning, the term "succory" has been historically used in phrases related to nourishment and herbal remedies.

Example Idiomatic Uses

  1. "Eating wild succory is like taking a step back to natural remedies."
    "Употребление дикого цикория — это как шаг назад к природным средствам."

  2. "In times of distress, I find solace in wild succory tea."
    "В трудные времена я нахожу утешение в чае из дикого цикория."

  3. "Foraging for wild succory reminds me of simpler times."
    "Сбор дикого цикория напоминает мне о более простых временах."


The term "succory" originates from the Latin word "succora," which means "to help or aid," related to the plant's traditional use in herbal medicine to aid digestion and promote health. The specific use of "wild succory" denotes its natural and untamed state, distinguishing it from cultivated varieties.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Chicory
- Endive (related plant)
- Witloof

- Not applicable, as "wild succory" refers to a specific plant rather than a broader concept with direct opposites.
