álacre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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álacre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech Noun

Phonetic transcription /ˈala.kɾe/

Translation options into English - Agile - Energetic

Meaning "Álacre" is an adjective in Spanish used to describe someone or something that is quick, agile, lively, or energetic. It conveys a sense of efficiency and dynamism. This word is more commonly used in written contexts but is also heard in spoken Spanish. It is used to describe people, animals, or even processes.

Example sentences 1. Pedro tiene una mente álacre y resuelve problemas con rapidez. Pedro has an agile mind and solves problems quickly.

  1. El joven caballo demostró ser muy álacre al saltar los obstáculos. The young horse proved to be very energetic when jumping the obstacles.

Idiomatic expressions Some idiomatic expressions that include the word "álacre" are: 1. Salir al paso con álacre soltura To respond promptly and efficiently

  1. Trabajar con álacre destreza To work with skill and agility

  2. Moverse con álacre agilidad To move swiftly and energetically

Etymology The word "álacre" comes from the Latin "alacer, alacris," meaning 'eager, lively, agile.'

Synonyms and Antonyms - Synonyms: rápido, diligente, dinámico - Antonyms: lento, perezoso, apático