óxido cúprico - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

óxido cúprico (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈɔksiðo ˈkupɾiko/

Translation Options into English

Cupric oxide


Óxido cúprico refers to a chemical compound composed of copper and oxygen with the formula CuO. This compound is commonly used as a pigment and as a starting material for the synthesis of other copper compounds. The term is mainly used in scientific and technical contexts, being less common in everyday spoken language.


  1. La fórmula química del óxido cúprico es CuO.
  2. The chemical formula of cupric oxide is CuO.
  3. Se está estudiando la reacción de reducción del óxido cúprico a cobre.
  4. The reduction reaction of cupric oxide to copper is being studied.

Idiomatic Expressions

Óxido cúprico is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions.


The term "óxido cúprico" comes from the combination of "óxido," which means "oxide" in Spanish and comes from the Latin "oxidus," and "cúprico," which comes from the Latin "cuprum" meaning "copper."

Synonyms and Antonyms