BOE - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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BOE (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "BOE" (Boletín Oficial del Estado) refers to the Official State Gazette in Spain. It is the official publication where the state publishes various legal norms, decrees, and official announcements, as well as laws and government decisions that need to be made public. The BOE is a crucial instrument in the Spanish legal system, ensuring transparency and public access to legal notices.

In terms of frequency, the term "BOE" is commonly used in written contexts, especially in legal and governmental documents. It is less frequently used in oral speech, although it may come up in discussions regarding legal matters or government-related topics.

Example Sentences

  1. "El nuevo decreto fue publicado en el BOE de ayer."
  2. "The new decree was published in yesterday's BOE."

  3. "Todos los ciudadanos pueden consultar el BOE en línea."

  4. "All citizens can consult the BOE online."

  5. "Las modificaciones legales entrarán en vigor una vez se publiquen en el BOE."

  6. "The legal modifications will take effect once they are published in the BOE."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "BOE" itself is a proper noun and not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it is integral to discussions about legality and governance in Spain. However, various expressions related to government or legal matters could be tied loosely to the concept of the BOE. Here are a few examples that reflect themes around law in relation to the BOE:

  1. "Lo que dice el BOE, va a misa."
  2. "What the BOE says is gospel."

  3. "El BOE es el marco que guía las decisiones del gobierno."

  4. "The BOE is the framework that guides the government's decisions."

  5. "Es importante estar al día con lo que publica el BOE para entender las nuevas leyes."

  6. "It's important to keep up with what the BOE publishes to understand the new laws."


The acronym "BOE" stands for "Boletín Oficial del Estado." "Boletín" comes from the French word "bulletin," which historically meant a report. "Oficial" comes from the Latin "officialis," meaning "belonging to an office." "Estado" is derived from Latin "status," meaning "state" or "condition."

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview of "BOE" reflects its significance in the context of Spanish law and governance. The discussion around its usage in sentences and idiomatic expressions contributes to understanding its role in everyday language related to legal matters.
