Perm - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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Perm (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Perm is a noun in Spanish, referring specifically to a hairstyle created by chemical treatment to curl or wave the hair.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, perm refers to the chemical process used to create curls or waves in hair. It originated from the English word "permanent," but in Spanish it specifically denotes the hairstyle rather than the procedure itself. The term is used predominantly in written contexts, such as beauty and hairstyling literature, as well as in salons, though it can also appear in conversational contexts among those discussing hairstyles.

Frequency of Use

The term "perm" is moderately frequent; it's commonly used in the context of hairstyling and beauty. It may not be as prevalent as everyday vocabulary but is recognizable to many, particularly in urban areas or among fashion-savvy individuals.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella decidió hacerse un perm para cambiar su look.
    (She decided to get a perm to change her look.)

  2. El perm que se hizo en el salón le costó un poco más de lo esperado.
    (The perm she got at the salon cost a bit more than expected.)

  3. Aunque el perm es popular, requiere cuidado especial para mantenerlo.
    (Although the perm is popular, it requires special care to maintain.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "perm" is not a component of well-established idiomatic expressions in Spanish, hair-related terms are commonly used in several phrases or contexts. Here are some expressions related to hair and appearance:

  1. No hay como un buen peinado (perm) para levantar el ánimo.
    (There’s nothing like a good hairstyle (perm) to lift your spirits.)

  2. Llevar el cabello en perm puede abrirte muchas puertas en el mundo del modelaje.
    (Wearing your hair in a perm can open many doors in the modeling world.)

  3. Antes de la fiesta, se hizo un perm y se sintió radiante.
    (Before the party, she got a perm and felt radiant.)

  4. El look de los 80s con el perm ha vuelto a estar de moda.
    (The '80s look with the perm has come back in style.)


The word "perm" comes from the English term "permanent," which in turn comes from the Latin "permanens," meaning "lasting" or "enduring." It was adopted into Spanish as a loanword and has been adapted to fit into the phonetic and grammatical norms of the language.

Synonyms and Antonyms


