a deshora - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

a deshora (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription

a desˈoɾa


Untimely, at an inopportune time


"A deshora" is a Spanish phrase used to refer to something that happens at an unexpected or inconvenient time. It describes an action or event that occurs when it is not expected or planned, often causing inconvenience or disruption. This phrase is more commonly used in written contexts and formal speech rather than in everyday conversation.


  1. Spanish: Llegar a deshora al trabajo puede causar problemas. English: Arriving at work untimely can cause problems.

  2. Spanish: Llamar a deshora puede molestar a las personas. English: Calling at an inopportune time can bother people.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. A deshora: At an unexpected time.
  2. Spanish: La llamada fue a deshora y me despertó. English: The call came untimely and woke me up.

  3. Levantarse a deshora: To wake up early unexpectedly.

  4. Spanish: Me levanté a deshora para terminar el trabajo. English: I woke up untimely to finish the work.


The phrase "a deshora" comes from the combination of the preposition "a" (at) and the noun "deshora" (untimely). The word "deshora" is derived from the Latin "de" (from) and "hora" (hour), indicating something that is not in accordance with the usual time or schedule.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Inoportuno (Inopportune) - Improcedente (Improper)

Antonyms: - A tiempo (On time) - A hora (At the right time)