/a mi.ˈʝa.ɾa.ðas/
The term a millaradas in Spanish is a colloquial expression that means an abundant or excessive amount of something, often used to emphasize the quantity of something. This expression is more commonly used in spoken language rather than in written contexts due to its informal nature.
Estoy hasta la coronilla a millaradas de tu actitud. (I am fed up to the brim with your attitude.)
Llegar a millaradas: To arrive in abundance.
The expression a millaradas comes from the Spanish word "millar," which means a thousand or an abundant quantity. The addition of "-adas" at the end intensifies the idea of abundance or excess.
Synonyms: - En abundancia (In abundance) - A montones (In heaps)
Antonyms: - Escasamente (Sparingly) - En poca cantidad (In small quantities)