a pasto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

a pasto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/a ˈpasto/

Translation options

Into English, "a pasto" can be translated as "at will" or "abundantly."


In Spanish, "a pasto" is used to describe something that is available or abundant in a given situation. It conveys the idea of having something in excess or in abundance. This phrase is commonly used in oral conversations to express the idea of having a lot of something or being able to access something freely and without restrictions.

Frequency and Usage

The expression "a pasto" is more commonly used in oral speech compared to written context. It is a colloquial phrase that is often used in informal conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. Tienen comida a pasto en esa casa.
  2. They have food at will in that house.

  3. Aquí puedes encontrar libros a pasto.

  4. Here you can find books abundantly.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Darle a alguien de su propia medicina" - Translation: "To give someone a taste of their own medicine." - Example: No te gusta que te ignoren, así que hoy voy a darte de tu propia medicina. - Translation: You don't like being ignored, so today I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine.

"Contar con algo a pasto" - Translation: "To have something in abundance." - Example: En esta tienda puedes contar con zapatos a pasto. - Translation: In this store, you can find shoes in abundance.

"Tener a alguien a pasto" - Translation: "To have someone at your disposal." - Example: Tengo al albañil a pasto, así que podemos comenzar las obras cuando quieras. - Translation: I have the mason at my disposal, so we can start the construction whenever you want.


The term "a pasto" comes from the Latin word "pastus," which means "food" or "pasture." It has evolved in the Spanish language to convey the idea of abundance or having something freely available.

Synonyms and Antonyms