a quien concierna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

a quien concierna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription

/a kjen konˈsjerna/

Translation options into English

To whom it may concern


"A quien concierna" is a phrase commonly used in Spanish to address an unspecified recipient in formal written communications, similar to the English phrase "To whom it may concern." It is often used at the beginning of letters, emails, or formal documents when the specific recipient's identity is unknown or irrelevant. This phrase is exclusively used in written contexts, particularly in official letters, administrative documents, or legal correspondences.

In Spanish-speaking countries, "A quien concierna" is a polite and respectful way to address an audience that cannot be pinpointed or to make a general notification publicly. Despite being less common in oral speech, it serves a significant role in providing a formal tone in written interactions.


  1. A quien concierna, To whom it may concern,

  2. Estimado/a a quien concierna, Dear Sir/Madam,

  3. Por la presente informamos a quien concierna que la reunión ha sido cancelada. We hereby inform to whom it may concern that the meeting has been canceled.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "a quien concierna" is not part of an idiomatic expression but serves a specific purpose in written communication.


The phrase "a quien concierna" comes from the Spanish words "a" (to), "quien" (who), and "concierne" (concerns). It directly translates to "to whom it may concern" in English.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - A quien pueda interesar (To whom it may interest) - Al destinatario correspondiente (To the corresponding recipient)

Antonyms: - A la persona específica (To the specific person) - Al destinatario conocido (To the known recipient)