The phrase "a ratos" is used in Spanish to describe an action or state that occurs intermittently or sporadically. It indicates that something happens only at certain times rather than continuously. This phrase is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in informal conversations.
Sometimes I am very busy, but now and then I have free time.
A ratos me gusta leer un buen libro antes de dormir.
The phrase "a ratos" can be integrated into various idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language. Here are a few examples:
I live sometimes, as if life were a dream.
A ratos me siento lleno de energía, y a ratos estoy completamente cansado.
Sometimes I feel full of energy, and now and then I am completely tired.
El clima aquí cambia a ratos, hoy hace sol y mañana lloverá.
The weather here changes sometimes; today it's sunny, and tomorrow it will rain.
A ratos me acuerdo de esos tiempos felices que pasé en la playa.
Now and then I remember those happy times I spent at the beach.
La suerte me acompaña a ratos, pero a veces parece que me abandona.
The expression "a ratos" combines the preposition "a", which can indicate time or manner, with "ratos", the plural form of "rato", meaning "a while" or "a short period". The origin of "rato" is believed to stem from the Latin term "raptus", which means "seized" or "taken away", pointing to a fleeting moment of time.