The phrase "a solas" refers to the state of being alone or in solitude, without the presence of others. It conveys a sense of privacy or isolation, often used in contexts where someone is seeking tranquility or introspection.
The phrase is commonly used both in oral and written contexts. However, it tends to be more prevalent in spoken language, as it often describes immediate feelings or situations.
Quiero estar a solas por un momento.
I want to be alone for a moment.
Ella prefiere leer a solas en su habitación.
She prefers to read alone in her room.
A veces, necesitamos estar a solas para reflexionar.
Sometimes, we need to be alone to reflect.
The phrase "a solas" is often part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, conveying themes of solitude, privacy, and self-reflection.
"Necesitamos hablar a solas sobre el proyecto."
We need to talk alone about the project.
Estar a solas con uno mismo.
To be alone with oneself.
"A veces es bueno estar a solas con uno mismo para aclarar pensamientos."
Sometimes it’s good to be alone with oneself to clear thoughts.
Pasar tiempo a solas.
To spend time alone.
"Disfruto pasar tiempo a solas en la naturaleza."
I enjoy spending time alone in nature.
A solas con mis pensamientos.
Alone with my thoughts.
"Me gusta estar a solas con mis pensamientos mientras camino."
I like to be alone with my thoughts while I walk.
A solas con el silencio.
Alone with the silence.
The phrase "a solas" is a combination of the preposition "a," meaning "to," and the plural form of "solo," a Spanish adjective meaning "alone" or "only." "Solo" has Latin roots from "solus," which also means "alone" or "lonely."
Solitario (adjective)