abasto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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abasto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Abasto is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ aˈβasto /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term abasto refers to the provision or supply of goods, often in the context of food or commodities. It is used in discussions related to trade, economy, and logistics, particularly regarding the availability of essential resources. The word is common in both written and spoken Spanish, with usage being relatively frequent in economic and commercial contexts.

Frequency of Use

The term abasto is frequently used in discussions involving commerce, supply chains, and inventory management. It can appear in both formal and informal contexts, although written usage might dominate in legal and economic documents.

Example Sentences

  1. La tienda siempre tiene un buen abasto de productos frescos.
  2. The store always has a good supply of fresh products.

  3. Durante la pandemia, el abasto de alimentos fue un tema de preocupación.

  4. During the pandemic, the supply of food was a concern.

  5. El gobierno implementará políticas para garantizar el abasto en las comunidades rurales.

  6. The government will implement policies to ensure the supply in rural communities.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word abasto appears in various expressions, particularly emphasizing sufficiency or provision. Here are some idiomatic expressions and their meanings:

  1. Estar en el abasto - To be well supplied.
  2. Ejemplo: La empresa está en el abasto de materias primas para continuar su producción.

    • The company is well supplied with raw materials to continue its production.
  3. Hacer un abasto - To stock up or make provisions.

  4. Ejemplo: Antes de la tormenta, hacemos un abasto de comida y agua.

    • Before the storm, we stock up on food and water.
  5. Abasto y necesidad - Supply and necessity (often referring to essential goods).

  6. Ejemplo: La escasez de abasto y necesidad afectó a muchas familias este invierno.

    • The shortage of supply and necessity affected many families this winter.
  7. A buen abasto - With enough supply (implying readiness).

  8. Ejemplo: El proyecto se llevó a cabo a buen abasto, gracias a la planificación adecuada.
    • The project was carried out with enough supply, thanks to proper planning.


The word abasto comes from the Latin term abastum, which means "supply" or "provision." Its usage has evolved over time, retaining the original sense of providing necessary goods.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Suministro (supply) - Provisión (provision) - Acopio (stockpiling)

Antonyms: - Escasez (scarcity) - Falta (lack) - déficit (deficit)

This comprehensive overview illustrates the importance of abasto within various contexts, highlighting its applications within the Spanish language, its idiomatic expressions, and its connections in economic and legal discourse.
