The word "abeja" is a noun.
The phonetic transcription of "abeja" in the International Phonetic Alphabet is /aˈβexa/.
"Abeja" refers to a flying insect known for its role in pollination and its production of honey. In the Spanish language, "abeja" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a slightly higher frequency in spoken language due to its use in everyday conversations and nature-related discussions.
Las abejas son esenciales para la polinización de las plantas.
(Bees are essential for the pollination of plants.)
Tengo miedo de las abejas porque me picaron una vez.
(I am afraid of bees because one stung me once.)
El miel producido por las abejas es delicioso.
(The honey produced by bees is delicious.)
The word "abeja" is commonly found in various idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language. Here are some examples:
Echar a alguien las abejas.
(To send someone the bees.) - This expression means to make someone angry or to provoke someone.
El jefe me echó las abejas cuando le perdí un gran cliente.
(The boss sent the bees after me when I lost a big client.)
Más vale ser abeja que mosca.
(Better to be a bee than a fly.) - This expression suggests that it is better to contribute positively (like a bee) rather than being a nuisance (like a fly).
En el trabajo, más vale ser abeja que mosca para ser bien visto.
(At work, it's better to be a bee than a fly to be well regarded.)
Estar en la colmena de las abejas.
(To be in the bee hive.) - Referring to being in a busy, productive environment or situation.
Cuando comencé mi nuevo trabajo, sentí que estaba en la colmena de las abejas.
(When I started my new job, I felt like I was in the bee hive.)
The word "abeja" originates from the Latin word "apis," which also means bee. The term has evolved over time in different languages but retains its essential connection to the insect and its ecological importance.
These synonyms and antonyms help to contextualize "abeja" within the broader conversation about insects and their roles in nature.