The word "absolutamente" is an adverb used to express total certainty or completeness regarding a statement or condition. It is common in both oral and written contexts, although it may be slightly more frequent in written language, particularly in formal or emphatic statements.
"Absolutamente" is widely used in everyday conversation as well as in written communication. It tends to be more common in formal discussions, persuasive speeches, and written arguments.
Estoy absolutamente seguro de que haré bien en el examen.
(I am absolutely sure that I will do well on the exam.)
Ella estaba absolutamente convencida de que era la decisión correcta.
(She was absolutely convinced that it was the right decision.)
No hay absolutamente ninguna razón para dudar de su capacidad.
(There is absolutely no reason to doubt his ability.)
The word "absolutamente" can be found in several idiomatic expressions, emphasizing completeness or certainty. Here are a few examples:
Estoy absolutamente convencido de mi elección.
(I am absolutely convinced of my choice.)
La respuesta es absolutamente clara.
(The answer is absolutely clear.)
Es absolutamente necesario que llegues a tiempo.
(It is absolutely necessary that you arrive on time.)
Estamos absolutamente en desacuerdo con esa afirmación.
(We are absolutely in disagreement with that statement.)
Confío absolutamente en tu juicio.
(I absolutely trust your judgment.)
The word "absolutamente" is derived from the Latin "absolutus," which means "free" or "unrestricted," forming the basis for the concept of totality. The suffix "-mente" is commonly added to adjectives in Spanish to form adverbs, hence creating "absolutamente."
This detailed breakdown should provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the word "absolutamente" in the context of the Spanish language.