acalorado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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acalorado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "acalorado" in Spanish describes a state of being heated, especially in terms of emotions. It is often associated with intense feelings such as anger, passion, or fervor. This adjective is commonly used to refer to discussions, debates, or arguments that become very animated or passionate. In terms of usage, it tends to appear more frequently in oral speech, particularly in informal conversations or heated debates, but it can also be found in written contexts, especially when describing emotions or situations vividly.

Example Sentences

  1. La discusión se volvió acalorada cuando comenzaron a hablar de política.
    (The discussion became heated when they started talking about politics.)

  2. Tuvieron un debate acalorado sobre el futuro del medio ambiente.
    (They had a heated debate about the future of the environment.)

  3. En la reunión, varios miembros estaban acalorados por el nuevo proyecto.
    (In the meeting, several members were heated about the new project.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Acalorado" is often used in expressions that convey emotional intensity or fervor. Below are several idiomatic expressions and their translations:

  1. "Tener un debate acalorado"
    (To have a heated debate)
    Ejemplo: En el consejo, tuvieron un debate acalorado sobre la reforma educativa.
    (In the council, they had a heated debate about educational reform.)

  2. "Estar acalorado por algo"
    (To be heated about something)
    Ejemplo: Ella estaba acalorada por la injusticia que había presenciado.
    (She was heated about the injustice she had witnessed.)

  3. "Llevar la conversación a un tono acalorado"
    (To take the conversation to a heated tone)
    Ejemplo: Es fácil llevar la conversación a un tono acalorado si se habla de fútbol.
    (It’s easy to take the conversation to a heated tone if football is discussed.)

  4. "Ponerse acalorado"
    (To become heated)
    Ejemplo: Se puso acalorado cuando le mencionaron el incidente.
    (He became heated when they mentioned the incident.)


The term "acalorado" comes from the verb "acalar" which means to make warm or to heat up. The prefix "a-" and the root "calor" (heat) combine to express the state of being heated, particularly in an emotional context.


