acalorar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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acalorar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

How the Word is Used

The word "acalorar" is commonly used in Spanish, mainly in oral speech but also in written context. It is used to describe the action of heating up or getting heated emotionally.


  1. Me acaloré discutiendo con mi hermano.
    (I got heated up arguing with my brother.)

  2. No te acalores, solo estoy dando mi opinión.
    (Don't get all worked up, I'm just giving my opinion.)

Idiomatic Expressions

1. Estar acalorado/a: - Después de correr, quedé muy acalorado.
(After running, I got very heated up.)

2. Acalorarse la discusión: - La discusión se acaloró cuando mencionaron ese tema.
(The discussion got heated up when they mentioned that topic.)

3. Acalorarse con facilidad: - Ella se acalora con facilidad cuando hablan de política.
(She gets heated up easily when talking about politics.)


The word "acalorar" comes from the prefix "a-" (indicating direction or intensity) and "calor" (heat), basically meaning "to intensify heat."

