Noun (plural)
/aˈθeite̞s/ (in Spain) or /aˈseit̪es/ (in Latin America)
The word "aceites" refers to various types of oils, which can be derived from plants, animals, or minerals. In a polytechnical context, it is often used to denote substances that are essential in engineering, manufacturing, food processing, and other industrial applications.
In general, "aceite" (singular) is used frequently in both oral and written contexts within technical literature, culinary discussions, and health-related topics. The plural form "aceites" is common when speaking about different kinds or classes of oils.
Los aceites vegetales son esenciales para la cocina saludable.
Vegetable oils are essential for healthy cooking.
En la industria, los aceites se utilizan para lubricar máquinas.
In industry, oils are used to lubricate machines.
Los aceites minerales tienen diferentes aplicaciones en la ingeniería.
Mineral oils have various applications in engineering.
While "aceites" might not have a wide range of idiomatic expressions associated specifically with it, there are a few cultural references related to oils in general. Below are some idiomatic expressions involving "aceites":
Estar en aceites.
To be in oils (to be doing well, to be in a good situation).
"Después de conseguir el trabajo, está en aceites."
"After getting the job, he’s doing well."
Echar aceite al fuego.
To add fuel to the fire (to make a situation worse).
"Decir eso solo echa aceite al fuego en la discusión."
"Saying that only adds fuel to the fire in the argument."
Además de aceites, las grasas también son importantes para la nutrición.
(Besides oils, fats are also important for nutrition.)
"En la dieta, además de aceites, las grasas también son esenciales para la energía."
"In the diet, besides oils, fats are also essential for energy."
The word "aceite" comes from the Arabic "الزيت" (al-zayt), meaning "the oil." It was incorporated into the Spanish language during the Middle Ages, reflecting the influence of Arabic on the Iberian Peninsula.
Synonyms: - Aceites esenciales (essential oils) - Lubricantes (lubricants)
Antonyms: - Agua (water) - Seco (dry)