aclamar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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aclamar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "aclamar" in Spanish means to express approval or admiration, often through loud cheers or applause. It can be used both in literal contexts, such as applauding a performance or event, and in metaphorical contexts, such as recognizing someone's achievements or praising someone publicly.

In terms of frequency of use, "aclamar" is somewhat formal and is often found in written contexts such as news articles, literary works, or speeches. However, it is also used in oral speech, especially in discussions related to events, public figures, or cultural phenomena.

Example Sentences

  1. El público aclamó al cantante después de su impresionante actuación.
    The audience acclaimed the singer after his impressive performance.

  2. Los críticos aclamaron la nueva película como una obra maestra.
    The critics acclaimed the new movie as a masterpiece.

  3. El equipo fue aclamado por su dedicación y esfuerzo en el campeonato.
    The team was acclaimed for their dedication and effort in the championship.

Idiomatic Expressions

The verb "aclamar" can be part of several idiomatic expressions, indicating admiration or strong praise in different contexts. Here are some idiomatic expressions featuring "aclamar":

  1. Aclamado en vida.
    Acclaimed in life.
    This expression refers to someone who received recognition and praise while still alive, not just posthumously.

  2. Aclamación popular.
    Popular acclaim.
    This phrase refers to a situation where someone or something is accepted and praised by a large group of people, often the general public.

  3. Aclamado por la crítica.
    Acclaimed by the critics.
    This indicates that a piece of work, such as a book or film, receives praise and recognition from professional reviewers.

Example Sentences for Idiomatic Expressions

  1. El autor fue aclamado en vida por sus contribuciones a la literatura.
    The author was acclaimed in life for his contributions to literature.

  2. La nueva canción recibió aclamación popular en las redes sociales.
    The new song received popular acclaim on social media.

  3. Su obra fue aclamada por la crítica y recibió varios premios.
    His work was acclaimed by the critics and received several awards.


The verb "aclamar" originates from the Latin word "acclamare," which is a combination of the prefix "ad-" (meaning 'to') and "clamare" (meaning 'to shout'). This etymology reflects its meaning of shouting in approval or admiration.



In summary, "aclamar" is a versatile verb used to express loud approval or praise. Its usage spans both spoken and written forms, with a rich historical background and various expressions of acclaim in the Spanish language.
