acogida, exclamación entusiástica - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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acogida, exclamación entusiástica (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun (feminine) and interjection (expressing enthusiastic welcome or approval).

Phonetic transcription




Acogida as a noun refers to the action of receiving or hosting someone with warmth and kindness. It can also mean a welcome or reception. It is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, often seen in formal contexts or conversations where hospitality is a topic or in official speeches. As an interjection, Acogida! is an enthusiastic exclamation used to express approval and welcome to someone or something, similar to "Hooray!" or "Bravo!" in English. It is commonly used in celebratory or positive situations, such as a performance or a successful event.


  1. La acogida del público fue extraordinaria.
    (The reception from the audience was extraordinary.)
  2. ¡Acogida calurosa a nuestro invitado de honor!
    (Warm welcome to our guest of honor!)
  3. ¡Acogida merecida para nuestro campeón!
    (Deserved applause for our champion!)

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Dar una acogida
    (To give a warm welcome)
  2. Los vecinos le dieron una acogida muy especial a la nueva familia.
    (The neighbors gave a very special welcome to the new family.)
  3. Buena acogida
    (Warm reception)
  4. La propuesta tuvo una buena acogida entre los estudiantes.
    (The proposal was well received among the students.)
  5. Acogida festiva
    (Festive reception)
  6. Los recién casados recibieron una acogida festiva en la plaza.
    (The newlyweds were greeted with a festive reception in the square.)


The word acogida comes from the verb 'acoger' which is derived from the Latin word 'accipĕre', meaning 'to receive' or 'to welcome'.

Synonyms and Antonyms