Acondicionar is a verb in Spanish.
The verb acondicionar means to prepare, condition, or adapt something for a specific purpose. It often implies making modifications or adjustments to suit particular needs or requirements. In the context of medicine, it can refer to preparing a space or equipment to meet health standards. This word is commonly used in both written and oral forms, although it may be more frequently encountered in technical or formal contexts.
It is necessary to prepare the room before the surgery.
Vamos a acondicionar el apartamento para recibir a los invitados.
We are going to set up the apartment to receive the guests.
El entrenador quiere acondicionar a los jugadores para la competencia.
While acondicionar does not have a wide variety of idiomatic expressions, it is often used in phrases that relate to preparation and adaptation. Here are some examples:
Translation: We must prepare the ground before we start building.
Acondicionar el ambiente
Translation: She knows how to set the atmosphere so that everyone feels comfortable.
Acondicionar las mochilas para el viaje
The word acondicionar comes from the prefix "a-" (indicating direction or application) and "condicionar," which is derived from "condición," meaning condition or state. The roots trace back to the Latin word "conditio," which is related to setting or establishing conditions.