acorarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

acorarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options


The word "acorarse" in Spanish is used to describe the action of getting flustered or embarrassed, often due to a situation or comment. It is a verb that is more commonly used in oral speech rather than in written context. While not a highly frequent term, it is easily understood by Spanish speakers.

Example sentences

  1. Se acora cada vez que le hacen un cumplido.
  2. He gets embarrassed every time he receives a compliment.

  3. No te acores si te equivocas, todos cometemos errores.

  4. Don't get flustered if you make a mistake, we all make errors.

Idiomatic Expressions


The word "acorarse" comes from the combination of the prefix "a-" (which can indicate a change of state or a specific action) and the verb "corar," which has an archaic origin and refers to the act of covering something with a certain color. Over time, this verb evolved to mean getting embarrassed or blushing.

