acordar las ofertas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

acordar las ofertas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

akoɾˈðaɾ las oˈfeɾtas


The phrase "acordar las ofertas" is commonly used in the field of economics to refer to the process of agreeing on or negotiating offers, particularly in the context of business transactions. It is more commonly used in written contexts, such as business correspondence, contracts, and negotiations. While it may also appear in oral discourse related to business dealings, it is more frequent in written form.

Example sentences

  1. Tenemos que acordar las ofertas antes de cerrar el trato.
    (We need to agree on the offers before closing the deal.)
  2. Los representantes de ambas empresas acordaron las ofertas durante la reunión.
    (The representatives of both companies negotiated the offers during the meeting.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Acordar" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples: 1. Estar de acuerdo
- Estoy de acuerdo contigo en este punto.
(I agree with you on this point.) 2. Llegar a un acuerdo
- Las partes finalmente llegaron a un acuerdo sobre el contrato.
(The parties finally reached an agreement on the contract.) 3. Acuerdo de caballeros
- Hicieron un acuerdo de caballeros para resolver el problema.
(They made a gentlemen's agreement to solve the problem.)


The word "acordar" comes from the Latin word "accordāre," which means "to agree." It is formed by the prefix "ad-" (to) and the verb "cordāre" (to agree).

Synonyms and Antonyms