activar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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activar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Activar is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Activar refers to the action of making something active or operational. It is commonly used in various contexts, including general, medical, and technological settings. The frequency of use is relatively high in everyday speech as well as in written form, particularly in instructions, technical descriptions, and discussions regarding health or technology.

Usage Notes: - In medicine, it can refer to stimulating a process or function, such as activating the immune response. - In chemistry, it may refer to initiating a reaction.

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario activar el sistema de emergencia en caso de incendio.
  2. It is necessary to activate the emergency system in case of fire.

  3. El médico recomendó activar los músculos antes de realizar ejercicios.

  4. The doctor recommended activating the muscles before doing exercises.

  5. Para utilizar la aplicación, primero debes activar tu cuenta.

  6. To use the app, you first need to activate your account.

Idiomatic Expressions

Activar is commonly included in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, which may not translate directly to English. Here are some examples:

  1. Activar la alarma
  2. (literal: to activate the alarm)
  3. "Es importante activar la alarma antes de salir de casa."
  4. (It is important to activate the alarm before leaving home.)

  5. Activar el modo avión

  6. (literal: to activate airplane mode)
  7. "No olvides activar el modo avión en el vuelo."
  8. (Don't forget to activate airplane mode during the flight.)

  9. Activar el debate

  10. (literal: to activate the debate)
  11. "El nuevo proyecto de ley ha activado el debate en el Congreso."
  12. (The new bill has activated the debate in Congress.)

  13. Activar la curiosidad

  14. (literal: to activate curiosity)
  15. "Los maestros deben encontrar maneras de activar la curiosidad en los estudiantes."
  16. (Teachers must find ways to activate curiosity in students.)


The word activar has its roots in the Latin word "activare," which means "to make active." The prefix "ac-" suggests a movement toward, while "tivus" relates to activity. This shows the concept of causing something to become operational.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Estimular (to stimulate) - Encender (to turn on) - Habilitar (to enable)

Antonyms: - Desactivar (to deactivate) - Apagar (to turn off) - Inhabilitar (to disable)
