acuadrillar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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acuadrillar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used in the Spanish language

"Acuadrillar" is an archaic term used in Chile to refer to the act of cornering someone or something, putting them in a tight spot or difficult situation. It is not a commonly used word in contemporary Spanish and is mostly found in historical or literary contexts. Due to its specificity and antiquity, it is more likely to be encountered in written texts rather than in oral communication.

Example sentences

  1. Lo acuadrillaron en la entrevista de trabajo y no supo qué responder. Translation: He was put in a tight spot during the job interview and didn't know what to say.

  2. La situación lo acuadrilló contra la pared, dejándolo sin opciones. Translation: The situation cornered him against the wall, leaving him with no options.

Idiomatic expressions

"Acuadrillar" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, some idioms that convey a similar idea of cornering or putting someone in a difficult situation include: 1. Acorralar a alguien - To back someone into a corner - Los periodistas acorralaron al político con preguntas incisivas. (The journalists backed the politician into a corner with incisive questions.)

  1. Dejar sin salida - To leave with no way out
  2. El acuerdo dejó al empresario sin salida en negociaciones futuras. (The agreement left the businessman with no way out in future negotiations.)

  3. Poner entre la espada y la pared - To put someone between a rock and a hard place

  4. Su jefe lo puso entre la espada y la pared al pedirle que elija entre el trabajo y su familia. (His boss put him between a rock and a hard place by asking him to choose between work and his family.)


The word "acuadrillar" is derived from the prefix "a-" (to) and the word "cuadrilla" (crowd, group, or gang). When someone is "acuadrillado," they are metaphorically pushed into a corner by a group or crowd, leaving them in a challenging situation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Acorralar (To corner) - Poner en aprietos (To put in trouble) - Atrapar (To trap)

Antonyms: - Liberar (To release) - Ayudar (To help) - Facilitar (To make easier)