The word "adecuado" means something is suitable, appropriate, or sufficient for a particular purpose or situation. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, including legal, academic, and everyday conversations. Its frequency of use is relatively high as it pertains to describing quality, fit, or readiness of objects, actions, or plans in various settings.
Este horario es adecuado para todos los empleados.
This schedule is suitable for all employees.
La defensa presentó un argumento adecuado ante el tribunal.
The defense presented an adequate argument before the court.
Es importante utilizar un lenguaje adecuado en contextos formales.
It is important to use appropriate language in formal contexts.
"Adecuado" is often part of expressions that convey the idea of properness or suitability. Here are a few idiomatic uses:
Hacer algo de manera adecuada
To do something properly
Es esencial hacer el trabajo de manera adecuada para evitar problemas.
It is essential to do the work properly to avoid issues.
No es adecuado
It is not appropriate
Su comportamiento en la reunión no fue adecuado.
His behavior in the meeting was not appropriate.
Encontrar un lugar adecuado
To find a suitable place
Necesitamos encontrar un lugar adecuado para la conferencia.
We need to find a suitable place for the conference.
Actuar de manera adecuada
To act appropriately
Los empleados deben actuar de manera adecuada en todo momento.
Employees must act appropriately at all times.
The word "adecuado" comes from the Latin "adequatus," which is the past participle of "adequare," meaning to equalize or make equal. The root can be broken down into "ad-" (to) and "aequare" (to make equal).
Synonyms - Aceptable (acceptable) - Apropiado (appropriate) - Suficiente (sufficient)
Antonyms - Inadecuado (inadequate) - Inapropiado (inappropriate) - Insuficiente (insufficient)