administrador de correos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

administrador de correos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription:

/adminis'tɾaðor de ko'ɾeos/

How the word is used:

"Administrador de correos" is a term used in the law domain in Spanish to refer to a "postmaster" or the individual in charge of managing a post office. It is more commonly used in written contexts, such as legal documents, official communications, or administrative correspondence.

Example sentences:

  1. El administrador de correos deberá supervisar la distribución eficiente del correo. Translation: The postmaster must oversee the efficient distribution of mail.

  2. El administrador de correos será responsable de mantener en orden el sistema de reparto de correspondencia. Translation: The postmaster will be responsible for keeping the mail delivery system in order.

Idiomatic expressions:

"Administrador de correos" is not part of any common Spanish idiomatic expressions.


Synonyms and Antonyms: