advertir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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advertir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: - IPA: /aðβerˈtiɾ/

Meanings: The verb "advertir" in Spanish has several meanings, including "to warn," "to notice," "to inform," or "to advise." It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts.

Verb Tenses: Below are the forms of "advertir" in different verb tenses: - Present: Advierto, adviertes, advierte, advertimos, advertís, advierten. - Preterite: Advertí, advertiste, advirtió, advertimos, advertisteis, advirtieron. - Imperfect: Advertía, advertías, advertía, advertíamos, advertíais, advertían. - Future: Advertiré, advertirás, advertirá, advertiremos, advertiréis, advertirán. - Conditional: Advertiría, advertirías, advertiría, advertiríamos, advertiríais, advertirían. - Present Subjunctive: Advierta, adviertas, advierta, advirtamos, advirtáis, adviertan. - Imperfect Subjunctive: Advirtiera, advirtieras, advirtiera, advirtiéramos, advirtierais, advirtieran. - Imperative: Advierte (tú), advierta (usted), advirtamos (nosotros), advertid (vosotros), adviertan (ustedes).

Examples in Sentences: 1. Te quiero advertir que la carretera está bloqueada. (I want to warn you that the road is blocked.) 2. Si notas cambios en su comportamiento, por favor adviértemelo. (If you notice any changes in his behavior, please inform me.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Advertir" is used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish: 1. Advertir sobre el peligro: to warn about the danger. - Los carteles advertían sobre el peligro de la corriente. (The signs warned about the danger of the current.)

  1. Advertir de algo a alguien: to inform or advise someone about something.
  2. Deberías advertirle de los posibles efectos secundarios. (You should inform him about the possible side effects.)

  3. Advertir un cambio: to notice or perceive a change.

  4. Advertí un cambio en su actitud últimamente. (I noticed a change in his attitude recently.)

  5. Advertir a tiempo: to warn or inform in time.

  6. Gracias por advertirnos a tiempo sobre la reunión. (Thank you for informing us in time about the meeting.)

  7. Sin advertencia previa: without prior warning.

  8. La tormenta llegó sin advertencia previa. (The storm came without prior warning.)

Etymology: The word "advertir" comes from the Latin "advertere," which means "to turn towards" or "to give attention to."

Synonyms: - Avisar (to notify) - Alertar (to alert) - Informar (to inform)

Antonyms: - Ignorar (to ignore) - Ocultar (to hide)