afectar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

afectar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Verb

Phonetic transcription: /a.feˈtar/

Meanings: The word "afectar" in Spanish means "to affect" or "to influence." It is used to describe the action of producing an effect on something or someone. This verb is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish.

Verb forms: - Present: afecto, afectas, afecta, afectamos, afectáis, afectan - Preterite: afecté, afectaste, afectó, afectamos, afectasteis, afectaron - Imperfect: afectaba, afectabas, afectaba, afectábamos, afectabais, afectaban - Future: afectaré, afectarás, afectará, afectaremos, afectaréis, afectarán - Conditional: afectaría, afectarías, afectaría, afectaríamos, afectaríais, afectarían - Present Subjunctive: afecte, afectes, afecte, afectemos, afectéis, afecten

Gerund: afectando

Usage patterns: "Afectar" is a versatile verb in Spanish and is frequently used both in formal and informal contexts. It is commonly used in various situations to express the influence or impact of something on someone or something else.

Example phrases: 1. El clima extremo puede afectar la agricultura local. (Extreme weather can affect local agriculture.) 2. La falta de sueño puede afectar tu rendimiento laboral. (Lack of sleep can affect your work performance.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Afectar" is a key element in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Some common expressions include: 1. Afectar negativamente (negatively affect): Refers to something having a detrimental impact. - La crisis económica está afectando negativamente a muchas familias. (The economic crisis is negatively affecting many families.) 2. Afectar emocionalmente (affect emotionally): To emotionally impact or touch someone. - La película me afectó emocionalmente. (The movie emotionally affected me.) 3. Sin afectar: Without affecting, used to indicate that something will not be influenced by a particular action. - Puedes tomar el atajo sin afectar tu tiempo de llegada. (You can take the shortcut without affecting your arrival time.)

Etymology: The word "afectar" comes from the Latin word "affectāre," which means "to affect."

Synonyms and Antonyms: Synonyms: - Influenciar (to influence) - Impactar (to impact) - Incidir (to have an impact)

Antonyms: - Mejorar (to improve) - Beneficiar (to benefit) - Favorecer (to favor)