afile - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

afile (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English

  1. Filing
  2. Refinement


"Afile" in Spanish refers to the act of filing, organizing, or refining something. It is a term commonly used in administrative or organizational contexts. The word is more frequently used in written contexts rather than oral speech.

Example sentences

  1. Necesito hacer el afile de todos estos documentos esta semana.
    (I need to file all these documents this week.)
  2. El afile de la información es fundamental para mantener el orden en la oficina.
    (Filing the information is crucial to keep things organized in the office.)

Idiomatic expressions

  1. Estar al afile: To be up to date or to be on top of things.
    Estaré al afile con la presentación para el viernes. (I will be up to date with the presentation by Friday.)

  2. Ponerse al afile: To get organized or to start working on something.
    Si quieres terminar a tiempo, es mejor que te pongas al afile. (If you want to finish on time, you better get organized.)


The word "afile" comes from the verb "afilar," which means "to sharpen" or "to hone." In this context, it is used metaphorically to refer to the act of organizing or refining something.

Synonyms and Antonyms