agnosia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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agnosia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

The word "agnosia" in Spanish is a feminine noun.

Phonetic transcription


Use in the Spanish language

"Agnosia" is a medical term used in both written and oral contexts. It is not frequently used in everyday language, as it is a technical term mainly encountered in medical literature or formal discussions related to neurological disorders.

Example Sentences

  1. El paciente presentaba agnosia visual, por lo que no podía reconocer caras ni objetos.
  2. The patient had visual agnosia, therefore he couldn't recognize faces or objects.
  3. La agnosia táctil le impedía identificar texturas y formas mediante el tacto.
  4. Tactile agnosia prevented him from identifying textures and shapes by touch.

Idiomatic Expressions

Important part of idiomatic expressions

Since "agnosia" is a medical term, it is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, in the medical field, it can be part of discussions related to various types of agnosias, such as visual agnosia, auditory agnosia, or tactile agnosia.


The term "agnosia" comes from the Greek roots "a-" (without) and "gnosis" (knowledge), which together mean "lack of knowledge."

Synonyms and Antonyms