aguadillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

aguadillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation options into English


"Aguadillo" is used in Andalucian Spanish to refer to a small stream of water or a rivulet. It is a term commonly used in the region to describe a minor watercourse. This word is more commonly used in oral speech rather than in written context.


  1. Spanish: El aguadillo pasaba justo por detrás de la casa. English: The small stream ran just behind the house.

  2. Spanish: En verano, el aguadillo se seca por completo. English: In summer, the rivulet completely dries up.

Idiomatic Expressions

Aguadillo is not typically used in idiomatic expressions.


The word "aguadillo" is derived from the Spanish word "agua," meaning water, combined with the diminutive suffix "-illo," which indicates something small or of lesser importance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "aguadillo" in Andalucian Spanish refers to a small stream of water. It is a term used more in oral speech to describe minor watercourses, with synonyms like "arroyuelo" and "riachuelo." The word is derived from "agua" and the diminutive suffix "-illo."