aguardiente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

aguardiente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: /aɡwarˈðjente/

Meanings and Usage Patterns: - Meanings: "Aguardiente" in Spanish refers to a strong alcoholic drink, typically made from sugarcane, though the composition can vary among different countries. It is similar to rum but without the aging process, giving it a clear appearance. - Usage Patterns: "Aguardiente" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in regions where this type of alcoholic beverage is consumed. It is frequently used in informal settings and cultural contexts.

Verb Tenses: - The word "aguardiente" is a noun, so it does not have forms in verb tenses.

Examples: 1. Tomemos un trago de aguardiente para celebrar tu cumpleaños.
Translation: Let's have a shot of aguardiente to celebrate your birthday.

  1. En Colombia, el aguardiente es una bebida muy popular en fiestas y eventos especiales.
    Translation: In Colombia, aguardiente is a very popular drink at parties and special events.

Idiomatic Expressions: "Aguardiente" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, it is a common element in celebrations and cultural traditions in various Spanish-speaking countries.

Etymology: The word "aguardiente" comes from the Latin words "aqua" (water) and "ardens" (hot, fiery), reflecting the strong and fiery nature of this alcoholic beverage.

Synonyms: - Synonyms: licor, bebida alcohólica, trago.

Antonyms: - Antonyms: agua (water), refresco (soft drink), bebida sin alcohol (non-alcoholic drink).