al tanto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

al tanto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The user input "al tanto" is a prepositional phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/al ˈ

How the Word Is Used

"Al tanto" is a common expression in the Spanish language and is used to indicate being informed, up-to-date, or aware of something. It is used both in oral and written contexts but may be more frequently used in formal or professional settings.


  1. Estaré al tanto de las novedades.
  2. I will stay informed about the news.

  3. Mantente al tanto de los cambios en el reglamento.

  4. Stay up-to-date on the changes in the rules.

  5. La empresa nos mantiene al tanto de las últimas actualizaciones.

  6. The company keeps us informed about the latest updates.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Al tanto" is frequently used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, where it conveys a sense of awareness or being informed about something. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar al tanto
  2. To be informed
  3. Voy a estar al tanto de cualquier novedad.

    • I will be informed of any news.
  4. Poner al tanto

  5. To inform/update
  6. Te voy a poner al tanto de lo que pasó.

    • I'm going to inform you about what happened.
  7. Estar al tanto de todo

  8. To be aware of everything
  9. Necesito estar al tanto de todo lo que ocurre en la compañía.
    • I need to be aware of everything that happens in the company.


The phrase "al tanto" comes from the combination of the preposition "a" (to) and the noun "tanto" (sign), meaning "to the sign." Over time, it evolved to its current usage to indicate being informed or aware.

Synonyms and Antonyms